摘要:Problem statement. In modern society, performing arts encompass a multitude of occupations that arecarried out more or less in front of the general public. We all participate in cultural and artistic events thatcomplement our life schedules and influence us mentally, by relaxing us.The view of dramatic art specialists is similar to ours, the professionals in the sports field. Thecontemporary artistic act needs a solid foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The practice ofmotor activities by artists contributes to reducing daily demands and can support the maximization of theirartistic performance based on the highly accurate motor responses of their bodies.Purpose. The purpose of this research is to find out the opinions of people working in the cultural andartistic field about the practice of motor activities. Specifically, we aimed to identify the presence of some formsof movement in their daily schedule, their previous motor experience in practicing sport, which would determinesome of their current preferences.Method. The research is based on the survey method using an opinion questionnaire. The questionnairewas created in July 2017 via the Word Office program. The respondents were 248 people working in the culturaland artistic field, who were investigated in two ways: directly (134 subjects), during the professional trainingsessions and the summer-autumn conferences of 2017, and online (114 subjects), by distributing thequestionnaire via email and having it back after completion.Results. By analysing the results, we have identified how different categories of artists spend their leisuretime, their preferences for certain types of motor activities, their previous motor experience and their belongingto a sports team, as determining factors of an active lifestyle. The respondents’ options for various sportsprovided us information on designing adapted motor programmes.Conclusions. Knowing people’s leisure time preferences, motor experiences and ways of approachingdifferent sports activities gives us valuable information regarding the design of adapted motor programmes inorder to optimize artistic mastery.
关键词:cultural and artistic field; leisure time; motor activity; physical culture; adapted motor programmes.