摘要:Problem statement. Planning training in rhythmic gymnastics is a complex process aimed at achieving optimalsports performance. If the training analysis for the group event is pursued, many problems arise due to the large numberof variables involved. Information technology makes available to the coach an efficient means of controlling the activityin terms of programming and in-depth evaluation of training, by facilitating the processing of a significant amount ofdata, the quick and objective analysis of recorded parameters and the graph visualisation.Purpose. To optimise the training in rhythmic gymnastics group event, we aimed to exploit the opportunitiesprovided by computer programs and develop a training analysis method able to highlight at any moment the individualtechnical level of the gymnasts with reference to each element of the group exercise, the actual work performed duringa technical training lesson and the number of errors for each difficulty element during the overall exercise.Method. For recording, processing and listing the data, an IBM laptop, a Windows-Excel program and an EpsonStylus C64 printer were used. Information was collected in the computer through the indirect method, namely it wasentered by the observer, as the subjects’ actions were being performed. This option allowed easy database manipulationand flexibility in combining, subdividing, rearranging and transforming the collected data. The measurement processincluded the recording of quantitative indicators, calculation of specific quantitative indicators and analysis ofqualitative data.Results. Their analysis reveals that: 1. gymnasts achieve the best performances after 10-11 full repetitions of thecompetition routines; 2. there is a lack of constancy in the evolution of average scores for execution over a week; 3. theindividual efficiency recorded over a week shows oscillations, better values being recorded at the end of the week,when the competitions are also scheduled.Conclusions. This method provides the opportunity to have a clear and objective vision of training, to monitor eachgymnast, to compare her results with those of the group, to save much time, to intervene according to the situation.
关键词:information technology in sports; optimisation; training; rhythmic gymnastics