出版社:Chinese Association for Aerosol Research in Taiwan
摘要:In this study, measurements were carried out to identify the generation characteristics of wear particles emitted under a subway cabin during operation. Along with a fast mobility particle sizer, probes were installed under a subway cabin and in a subway tunnel to measure the size distributions of nanoparticles at 1-s intervals. Based on the particle density measured under the cabin minus that measured in the tunnel, the size distribution of wear particles generated under the cabin during deceleration was estimated to be bimodal at 165.5 nm and 6.98 nm. These particles were most likely generated from wheel-rail contact, as the train utilized electric braking (no mechanical force applied). In addition, a change in the wear mechanism appears to have arisen due to the increased temperature of the wheel-rail contact while nanoparticles were being emitted, leading to an initial generation of 165.5-nm particles followed by 6.98-nm particles 1 s later.