摘要:We report observations of the known cataclysmic variable star (CV) V704And, and also confirm that the optical counterpart of the ROSAT Galactic Plane Survey source RXJ2338+431 is a heretofore-neglected CV. Photometric and spectroscopic observations from MDM Observatory show both systems to be nova-like variables that exhibit dips of 4–5 mag from their mean brightnesses, establishing them as members of the VYScl subclass. From high-state emission-line radial velocities, we determine orbital periods of 0.151424(3) days (3.63 hr) for V704And and 0.130400 (1) days (3.13hr) for RXJ2338+431. In V704 And, we find that the Hα emission-line measures cluster into distinct regions on a plot of equivalent width versus full width at half-maximum, which evidently correspond to high, intermediate, and low photometric states. This allows us to assign spectra to photometric states when contemporaneous photometry is not available, an apparently novel method that may be useful in studies of other novalikes. Our low-state spectra of RXJ2338+431 show features of an M-type secondary star, from which we estimate a distance of 890±200 pc, in good agreement with the Gaia DR2 parallax.