摘要:The aim of this study is to determine therelationship between physical activity levels and body composition ofuniversity students. A total of 155 students (56 women, 99 men) attendingSelcuk University Faculty of Sports Sciences voluntarily participated in theresearch. Body composition was determined by bioelectrical impedance analysiswhile the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)- short form wasused to determine students' physical activity levels. According to the researchfindings, there was no correlation between body composition variables andphysical activity level variables in men (p> 0,05), but there was only aweak but significant negative correlation between total physical activity scoreand height in women (p <0,05, r = -0.28). There was a significantrelationship between the total score of high intensity physical activity andbody weight (r = 0.21), body fat percentage (r = -0.21), lean body mass (r =0.24), basal metabolic rate (r = 0.23), body mass index (r = 0.17) and waist /hip ratio (r = 0.24). Besides it was also determined that there was asignificant relationship between total physical activity score and waist / hipratio (r = 0.18). As a result, it can be said that there is no significantrelationship between body composition variables and physical activity levelvariables of men and women participating in the research.