摘要:Nowadays, the rapiddevelopments in science and technology have an impact on education as well ason all gear units. The integration of technology into the education processoffers effective opportunities, particularly in the fields of STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In this context, Arduino platform hasstarted to be used as a low cost, easy to use microcontroller in physicsteaching. In this study, an Arduino-based physics experiment that can be usedin physics laboratories was designed. We have used Arduino platform to studytemperature dependence of electrical resistance and to define the temperaturecoefficient for a conductor. Experimental data were collected using the Arduinoohmmeter and a temperature sensor. The resistance-temperature curve obtained isin the expected character and the temperature coefficient is in the expectedvalue. With this experiment, the student can easily observe the temperaturechange of the conductor's resistance and calculate the temperature coefficientof the resistance. The Arduino-based apparatus is presented as a simple and lowcost alternative to physics laboratories.Nowadays, the rapiddevelopments in science and technology have an impact on education as well ason all gear units. The integration of technology into the education processoffers effective opportunities, particularly in the fields of STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). In this context, Arduino platform hasstarted to be used as a low cost, easy to use microcontroller in physicsteaching. In this study, an Arduino-based physics experiment that can be usedin physics laboratories was designed. We have used Arduino platform to studytemperature dependence of electrical resistance and to define the temperaturecoefficient for a conductor. Experimental data were collected using the Arduinoohmmeter and a temperature sensor. The resistance-temperature curve obtained isin the expected character and the temperature coefficient is in the expectedvalue. With this experiment, the student can easily observe the temperaturechange of the conductor's resistance and calculate the temperature coefficientof the resistance. The Arduino-based apparatus is presented as a simple and lowcost alternative to physics laboratories.