摘要:The purpose of this study is to examineprospective teachers’ TPACK self-efficacy and variables affecting theirtraining to integrate technology in education according to their subject areas.The survey research, a quantitative research method, was used in the study. Thesample of the study is composed of senior prospective teachers (n=3553) from 19different departments of 18 state universities in Turkey. The departments weregathered into nine subject areas by taking into consideration the criteria ofprospective teachers’ subject areas. Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis H tests were used forthe comparisons of the groups. The results of the study show that TPACK is perceiveddifferently according to the subject areas. Prospective teachers think that teachereducators do not sufficiently exhibit technology integration behaviors in theirlessons and participants think that they somewhat have authentic experiences inusing technology in education. While both scores of TPACK self-efficacy andvariables affecting prospective teachers’ training to integrate technology ineducation are higher in favor of Foreign Languages subject area; prospectiveteachers in Mathematics and Turkish language have lower scores than othersubject areas in the study. As a result, the self-efficacy of prospectiveteachers’ technology integration significantly differentiates.