摘要:The main task of the compound feed industry is development and introduction of high-performance equipment and technologies, expansion of the resource base and the range of finished products. Along with this, in the canning industry, a lot of by-products are formed. By their chemical composition, they are as good as the main products. However, by-products of the canning industry are characterized by a high moisture content. They deteriorate very quickly and require immediate disposal. That is why, the purpose of the paper was to study the effect of heat treatment on the physicochemical properties and on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora of the feed additive made with the use of carrot pomace. The physical properties, chemical composition, sanitary quality, and permissible shelf life of carrot pomace have been determined. The optimum quantitative and qualitative composition of the feed additive have been reasoned and researched. It has been established that the process of extrusion improves the physical properties and increases the digestibility of nutrients. It also improves the sanitary condition and extends the shelf life of the additive. As a result of extrusion of the feed additive, the moisture content decreased by 32.2%, the angle of repose increased by 11.8%, the flowability decreased by 33.3%, the damaged starch content decreased by 33.2%, and the amount of water-soluble carbohydrates became 5 times as big. Besides, under the influence of high temperature and pressure, the total number of bacteria decreased by 89%, and that of mould fungi by 83%. During storage of the feed additive for 6 months, the QMAFAnM decreased by 32.5%. The resulting feed additive will solve the problem utilizing canning industry by-products, expand the raw material base and reduce feed consumption.