期刊名称:Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
出版社:Society of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians
摘要:The modifcation of processing and functional properties of polymeric materials is widely used in polymer processing. The current progress in this feld involves the introduction of new ways of modifying polymers, often bychanging their structure from homogeneous to porous. As a result, these polymers have lower density, and thusmodifed processing and functional properties. The paper presents the results of a study on the selected propertiesof the injection-molded specimens of polylactide (PLA) modifed with blowing agents, before and after thermalageing. Blowing agents with exothermic (Hydrocerol 530) and endothermic decomposition (Hydrocerol ITP-810,Expancel 951 MB 120 and LyCell F-017) were used. The mass content of the blowing agents was changed in therange from 0.5% to 3%. The study involved examination of the changes in properties such as Young’s modulus,tensile strength, tensile stress, strain at maximum tensile stress, Vicat softening temperature and impact strengthdepending on the mass content and type of blowing agent before and after the ageing process.