期刊名称:Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering
摘要:This study shows the results of field measurements of an apartment building located in Tibet′s capital and in traditional houses in order to evaluate their levels concerning the living environment such as inside and outside temperature, humidity, illumination intensity, CO and CO2 concentration, intensity of solar radiation and the UV strength. The Tibetan plateau is characterized by high altitudes, low oxygen concentration, transparent atmosphere, wide diurnal range temperature, and special culture and life style, so UV and solar radiation, thermal environment and IAQ claim attention. Also a questionnaire survey was carried out for the consideration of improvements. We describe architecturally useful ways of utilizing the abundant solar energy in the Tibetan plateau of China and the solar potentials of various places are analyzed. Especially, the floor materials of the apartment houses and traditional residences in Lhasa city are examined and the living environment is improved using a direct heat gain system with simulation software. In addition, the condensation function of a solar cooker is used effectively in the local area, by selecting the most suitable materials. Also the power output performance of a solar cell using a compact portable sunlight concentrator proposes characteristic application methods for Tibetan residences.
关键词:Tibetan plateau;living environment;field measurement;solar energy;sustainable development