摘要:The paper deals with content of heavy metals in groundwater and surface water. Bearing on mind a huge problem related to pedunculate oak forests decline in the area of Ravni Srem, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate monitoring of water quality. One of the most important factors connected with water quality is concentration of heavy metals. As for groundwater, concentration of microelements was researched at four soil types: pseudogley, fluvi- soil, humogley and chernozem. Among all examined heavy metals, a special attention has been paid to following: Zn, Mn, Cd, Ni and Pb. Particularly toxic metals such as Ni, Pb and Cd are not recorded, apart from one soil type by groundwater sample. As for Zn and Mn concentrations, they area significantly over maximal allowed values, but it does not have some big influence on water quality.