期刊名称:She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation
摘要:AbstractEven though co-design is a well-accepted approach for designing to meet user needs, what influence it has on design outcomes remains unclear. This article presents the co-design process of a prototype energy advice service. We evaluate the impact this process had on the outcome over time, demonstrate how co-design generated informative insights, and identify the benefits and challenges of employing a co-design process to design and develop meaningful content for future ‘information-intensive’ services. A theoretical framework, a “think aloud” approach, and systematic data coding, enabled us to uncover user perceptions of the evolving design qualities. This meaning-making co-design process enabled user needs to surface and be iteratively addressed. As the content of the reports became increasingly tailored, and the users’ familiarity with the topic increased, the process highlighted further evolving and underlying information needs. This confirms the value of adopting a content first approach when designing information intensive services and foregrounding meaning making within the complex energy demand reduction context.Highlights:•A theoretical framework can scaffold a co-design process, the substance of user contributions to it, and assessment of these contributions.•Co-design enables user needs to be uncovered and addressed.•Increased tailoring of design outcomes to users’ needs with increased “meaning” uncovers further underlying needs.•The householders’ needs evolved as exposure to new information helped to enhance their understanding.•Particular care must be exercised to ensure the internal and external validity of co-design insights.