摘要:Eclipsing binaries are important tools for studying stellar evolution and stellar interiors. Their accurate fundamental parameters are used to test evolutionary models, and systems showing apsidal motion can also be used to test the model’s internal structure predictions. For this purpose, we present a photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the eclipsing binary BW Aquarii, an evolved F-type binary with slow apsidal motion. We model the K2 C3 light curve using the Eclipsing Light Curve code to determine several orbital and stellar parameters, as well as measure the eclipse times to determine updated apsidal motion parameters for the system. Furthermore, we obtain highresolution spectra of BWAqr using the CHIRON echelle spectrograph on the CTIO 1.5 m for radial velocity analysis. We then reconstruct the spectra of each component using Doppler tomography in order to determine the atmospheric parameters. We find that both components of BWAqr are late F-type stars with M1 = 1.365 ± 0.008M☉, M2 = 1.483 ± 0.009M☉, and R1 = 1.782 ± 0.021 R☉, R2 = 2.053 ± 0.020 R☉. We then compare these results to the predictions of several stellar evolution models, finding that the models cannot reproduce the observed properties of both components at the same age.
关键词:binaries: eclipsing;stars: fundamental parameters;stars: individual (BW Aquarii)