摘要:There are various international initiatives that aim to improve aid effectiveness, including the 2005 Paris Declaration,the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action and the 2011 Busan Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation. Theseinitiatives focus on improving aid effectiveness through better alignment, harmonisation, results reporting andmonitoring, among other objectives. Despite the slow progress towards mutual accountability in the 2008 progressreport on implementing the Paris Declaration compared to other principles of the declaration, several initiatives– such as forums for debates, peer reviews and arrangements – have been developed to strengthen mutualaccountability and oversee performance between donors and partners. 1 The 2011 Busan Global Partnership forEffective Development Co-operation embraced the commitments set out in the 2005 Paris Declaration and 2008Accra Agenda for Action to implement efforts aimed at enhancing effectiveness of development partnerships. 2,3 Instrengthening mutual accountability, the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation (which followedthe Busan Partnership) reaffirmed the commitment to jointly assess country systems based on mutually agreeddiagnostic tools. Strengthening mutual accountability for development results through creating and reinforcingshared agendas and strengthening partnerships, among others, helps ensure that complementary efforts indevelopment are transparent and results focused.