摘要:The gear transmission is a high frequency me-chanical vibration system with the gear mesh as the mainvibration source. The low rotational speed heavy duty gearpower transmission have been modeled and tested in situto protect unexpected failures [1, 2, 5]. The high rotationalspeed heavy duty gearing diagnostics is important in mod-ern energy generating machines. In case of complex rotarymachines, it is very complicated to trace all sources of vi-brations (e.g. internal defects) [6]. The rotor systems withadaptive and sleeve sliding-friction bearings is analyzed inthe paper [7]. Due to vibrations of gears, the teeth meshinginaccuracies generate dynamic forces and early wear teeth.So far, the effects on gears loading have been well studied,but an issue that the intensity of vibration accelerationlevel and teeth meshing shocks – how severe is the prob-lem – has scarcely been studied for practical purposes. Thegears vibration acceleration parameter was used to diag-nostics and evaluation of teeth meshing problem. This arti-cle is dedicated for condition monitoring of the gear powertransmissions, protection and failures diagnostics throughvibration parameters measured in situ.