摘要:According to report from Innovative Researchand Products (iRAP) entitled “Piezoelectric Operated Ac-tuators and Motors – A Global Industry and Market Analy-sis (ETP-102)”, the global market for piezoelectric oper-ated actuators and motors will double from $5.3 billion in2006 to $10.7 billion by the year 2011”. New applicationsare emerging for piezoelectric operated actuators and mo-tors in the applications including aircraft, automobile hy-draulics and drug delivery. The report also found that thelife science and medical technology fields also constitute ahigh-growth segment of piezoelectric-operated actuatorsand motors. This market is expected to grow at 18.7% an-nually and could record an even higher growth rate if thereis a wider acceptance by end users. The global market ofthese devices has reached $10.6 billion and is expected tohit $19.5 billion by 2012, according to iRAP.