首页    期刊浏览 2025年03月02日 星期日


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  • 作者:Joachim SZULC ; Grzegorz RACKI ; Karol JEWUŁA
  • 期刊名称:Rocznik Polskiego Towarzystwa Geologicznego
  • 印刷版ISSN:0079-3663
  • 出版年度:2015
  • 卷号:85
  • 期号:4
  • 页码:587-626
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Polskie Towarzystwo Geologiczne
  • 摘要:At least three widely sep a rated bone-bear ing in ter vals in the Up per Tri as sic suc ces sion of Up per Silesia, rang ing in age from the Carnian to Rhaetian (i.e., in the in ter val of 25 Ma), are pre sented in pa pers by the War saw re search group, led mainly by Jerzy Dzik and/or Grzegorz NiedŸwiedzki. The strati graphic ar gu ments are re viewed for the ver te brate lo cal i ties stud ied so far, in par tic u lar for the well-known mid dle Keuper sites at Krasiejów and Lipie Œl¹skie, to show that the pre vi ously pro posed age as sign ments are still in ad e quately doc u mented and ques tion able. This un re li abil ity is ex em pli fied by the evolv ing strati graphic cor re la tion of the frag men tary Silesian sec tions (8–18 m thick) with in for mal subsurface units from cen tral-west ern Po land and with the Ger man stan dard suc ces sion, ul ti mately not cor rob o rated by com par i son with the com pos ite ref er ence suc ces sion of the Up per Silesian Keuper, in clud ing new pro files (ca. 260 m thick) from the WoŸniki K1 and Patoka 1 wells. Based on a multidisciplinary strati graphic study cov er ing con sis tent litho-, bio-, climato- and chemostratigraphic pre mises, fo cused on the re gional ref er ence sec tion, two bone-bed lev els only are rec og nized in the Patoka Marly Mudstone-Sand stone Mem ber (= Steinmergelkeuper) of the Grabowa For ma tion, not very dif fer ent in age (Classopollis meyeriana Palynozone; prob a bly IVb Subzone): (1) the lo cal ized Krasiejów bone brec cia level (early Norian in age) in the Opole re gion, and (2) the far more widely dis trib uted Lisowice bone-bear ing level (mid dle Norian) in a vast al lu vial plain (braided to anastomosing river sys tem) dur ing the Eo-Cim mer ian tec tonic-plu vial ep i sode. As a con se quence of the prin ci pal un cer tain ties and con tro ver sies in Up per Tri as sic ter res trial stra tig ra phy, this is still a some what pre lim i nary in fer ence. Typ i cal skel e tal con cen tra - tions of a com bined hy drau lic/sedimentologic type, re lated to flu vial pro cesses, are com mon in the Up per Silesian Fos sil-Lagerstätten, al though fac tors gov ern ing pres er va tion are prob a bly im por tant, as well.
  • 关键词:bone beds;lithostratigraphy;palynostratigraphy;chemostratigraphy;taphonomy;Grabowa Formation;middle Keuper;Upper Silesia