期刊名称:Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:An investigation was undertaken to study the variability in litchi hybrids developed at BAU, Sabour and their parents with respect to flowering and fruiting behavior. The experiment was carried out in Horticulture garden Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour. A critical analysis of the data for various characters of flowering and fruiting parameters like date of panicle initiation, duration of panicle emergence, flowering duration, flower colour, inflorescence shape and size, maturity period and fruit morphology were taken. Initiation of panicle emergence varied from 21/01/2013 (H-587, H-590) to 17/02/2013 (H-141, Kasba). Duration of anthesis varied from 25/02/2013 (H-517, H-574, H-598andEarly Bedana) to 12/03/2013 (H-70, H-104) and maturity period ranged from 55 to 68 days. Among different genoty [pes. H-73, H-98, H-104, H-510 had fruit shape oval to round similar to their male parent Bedana. Dark red fruit colour of H-70, H-73, H-104, H-566 also resembled Bedana i.e. their male parent. Significant genetic variability was found among the genotypes with respect to flowering characters, thus there is an ample scope for selection of promising genotypes. Thus from above finding it may be concluded that extended period of flowering, fruit set and harvesting span could be achieved through hybridization.