摘要:Elementary school, as criteria of a friendly city, should beavailable inside a neighborhood unit (NU). There is only one out of 109NU in Surakarta City that does not have an elementary school. However,67% of the people of Surakarta choose elementary schools outside theirNU. They use various modes of transportation because their school is outof reach for walking. Nevertheless, there are people who do not walk eventhough they are in their NU. This study aims to determine the factors thatinfluence the modal choice in accessing schools in the city of Surakarta. This research used a quantitative research method with multinomiallogistic regression analysis to analyze 14 factors obtained from thetheoretical review. The result shows that there are six factors that influencethe modal choice to access elementary school, i.e. family member; carownership; householder occupation; time of trip made; road separator; andhouseholder age.