摘要:This paper analyzes the Change of Livelihood ofResettlements Area in Mojosongo after being a destination area of aresettlement program. The program resettled 453 households devastatedfrom the flooding area of River Bank of Bengawan Solo. Many scholarsargue that the resettlement program commonly situate people into avulnerable situation, especially in the early stage of post resettlement. With regard to this common argument, spatial analysis was conducted todescribe spatial change of the resettlement area before implementation ofthe program (2006); in the middle of the implementation of programmes(2013) and in the current situation (2018). Interviews have been conductedto Head of Housing, human settlements and Land Government unit, andhead of the community. This results show that this resettlement programpartly creates a vulnerable situation. However, due to the commitment ofthe local government, and integrated program have been conducted alongthe resettlement process. This approach is able to accommodate thecommunity’s interests and government program. Such integration is ableto provide infrastructure and social services that in accordance tocommunity’s need and interests. Therefore, it is expected to reduce therisk of community to be exposed in a vulnerable situation after theresettlement program.