摘要:The hybridization of fibers for arresting the crack in concrete is a key factor and play an important role to improve mechanical properties of high performance concrete with respect to mono fibers. The effect of hybridization of hooked end steel fibers with different length and diameter on mechanical properties of high strength concrete was investigated in this research work. The different percentages of hook ended fibers (60 mm and 40 mm) are hybridized in the concrete mixture while keeping total percentage of fibers by volume equal to 1%. The compressive and flexural properties with complete load verses deflection curves of hybrid steel fiber reinforced high performance concrete were investigated to find the optimized dosage of hybrid steel fibers. The results showed that the hybridization of fiber provided better compressive and flexural performance. It was also observed from the results that combination of 65% of 60 mm and 35% of 40 mm hooked end fibers proved to be best for enhancement in compressive and flexural properties.