摘要:Manufacturing Industry is one of the industrial activities in Indonesia, manufacturing industry is an industry with main activities is to change raw materials, components, or other parts into goods which is according to company specifications standards. In the production floor, activity in the manufacturing industry, the workers have different job specifications with each other. Some works consist of human-machine interaction is found by the activity between workers and lathe machine, welding maching, milling machine, frais machine, and others. The manufacturing industry will increase its ability to serve a variety of better quality products caused by the desire or encouragement of the customers. In general, according to the increase of corporate targets, its also need improvement from the aspect of work performance. To obtain a description of the proposed improvement based on human performance, it is necessary to identify the eight aspects of ergonomics include the consumption of nutritionalfor workers (energy), muscle power, body posture, environment, time conditions, social conditions, information conditions, and human machine interaction. This research use cross sectional method approach that is research done at one time, no follw up, to find the correlation between independent variable (risk factor) with dependent variable (effect). The conclusion of this research is needed nutrition intake or nutrition to recover the workers, it is necessary to design facilities such as manufacturing aids to reduce the use of excess muscle or appropriate technology (TTG). After the application of TTG (Appropriate Technology) to reduce the excessive use of muscle to the workers, the company should provide the nutritional intake accordance with workload of employees in the manufacturing industry