摘要:The article describes the failure of the steel supporting structure of the pipeline caused by corrosion. The structure in question is a three-span steel bridge with truss girders. The structure was erected in the 1960s and is located above the railway track. Due to the specific shape of the hinges, which join the middle span with the rest of the structure one of them was damaged by corrosion, which caused it to break off. That led to situation where the middle span was retained by only three joints. To achieve proper safety of the structure it was additionally supported and strengthened. Due to the necessity of quick repair (there was a real threat of a collapse), some of the works performed had a provisional character. The article presents a description, detailed causes for failure and all the works, which were carried out in order to protect and repair the structure. The analysis of this case showed that, despite adequate protection of structural elements against corrosion, improper design resulting in retaining water led to serious failure.