摘要:Microbes in freshwater quite often change its quality and render it unfit for human use.Among these, planktonic algae play a major role. The Canadian Council of Ministers ofthe environment (CCME) formulated a water quality index (WQI) to facilitate evaluationof surface water quality for protection of aquatic life with specific guidelines. It includesscope (F1), frequency (F2), and amplitude (F3), with a table of values ranging between0 and 100 determining nature of the index. This index was applied to four temple pondsof Udupi district and the surface water in all four was characterized as poor (valuesranged between 37 and 40). According to the index the water quality is almost alwaysendangered. The conditions usually deviate from normal levels. The reasons for this isthe variation in total acidity, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide and the overgrowthof bacteria. About 17 algal species and 7 fungal species occurred in these ponds. Thereasons for the varied conditions may be attributed to the fluctuation of the number ofthe devotees visiting the ponds during festival seasons.