摘要:Sugar factories generate usually high quantities of organic waste, which is often usedfor irrigation with or without treatment. Such irrigation practices, if carried outunscientifically, can deteriorate physicochemical properties of soils and affect the plantgrowth and beneficial soil micro-flora. In this study, effects of sugar factory waste onphysicochemical properties of soils under crop of gram (Cicer arietinum L.) have beenevaluated. The soil showed marked changes in its physicochemical properties afterapplication of the waste. The soil has shown an increase in organic matter, chlorides,calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. However, nitrogen and phosphorusgrossly remained unaffected as compared to control soil. The pH in all the soils remainedneutral or slightly acidic. The increase in total solute concentration is the result ofcontinuous evapotranspiration, which leaves salts behind in the soils. These saltsaccumulate in long run making the soils unsuitable for plant growth. Sodium blocks theexchange sites of soils, minerals and organic matter that make the soils to disperseand impermeable to water. Such soils develop a dark brown surface crust of salts andusually called as sodic or black alkali soils. Ca : K ratio was found to be decreased withthe wastewater irrigation. The usefulness of wastewaters in irrigation can be a goodmeans of their recycling as has been suggested by several workers, but the irrigationcannot be carried out indiscriminately with wastewaters. It is often necessary to givesome degree of treatment to most wastewaters before using them for irrigation. Dilutioncan also be carried out in case of high quantities of salts present in wastewaters. Thiswill help in preventing deterioration of soils in long run.