摘要:The climate change due to global warming, one of the greatest environmentalissues, has become a major concern during the last decade. The global warming iscaused by the emission of greenhouse gases such as CO 2 to the atmosphere byhuman activities. In recent years, attempts to increase the utilisation of fly ash topartially replace the use of Portland cement in concrete are gathering momentum.Geopolymer concrete is a new material that does not need the presence of Portlandcement as a binder. Instead, activating the source materials such as fly ash thatare rich in silicon (Si) and aluminium (Al) using high alkaline liquids produces thebinder required to manufacture the concrete. Hence, concrete with no cement canbe achieved. In this study M20 grade geopolymer concrete was designed and twotrial mixes have been compared with the control specimen. This paper presentsinformation on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, material and the mixtureproportions, the manufacturing process, and the influence of various parameterson the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.