摘要:The objective of the study was to investigate the role and importance of sericulture in Kashmir, theenvironmental impact of sericulture rearing units, and to assess the health risk factors of the workers workingin this industry. The study was conducted at different rearing units of Kashmir valley situated in India. Aprepared questionnaire was circulated among the rearers and control subjects to assess the health riskfactors of the workers. Temperature, humidity and light intensity were measured with the help of thermo-hygrometer and digital lux meter, respectively. The present investigation indicates that majority of the rearerswere suffering from health problems like eye irritation, injuries, back pain, allergies, respiratory problemsand headache. Certain measures have been suggested that may improve the economic conditions of therearers which may ultimately reduce the health risk factors among them. Therefore, it is recommend thatpersonal protective equipments and appliances for rearing should be provided to the rearers to reduce thehealth risk factors.