摘要:Photo-Fenton treatment of a mature landfill leachate was optimized by using the response surface methodology(RSM). The optimum operating variables to achieve 70% removal of COD, 80% removal of colour and 80%removal of NH 3 -N were: H 2 O 2 /COD molar ratio 3.75, H 2 O 2 /Fe 2+ molar ratio 10.5 and irradiation time 1.5 h.There was good agreement (< 2% error) between experimental removal efficiency and model prediction.The characteristics of the photo-Fenton treated leachate were: NH 3 -N 112 mg/L, colour 108 Pt-Co Unit,COD 350 mg/L, BOD 5 116 mg/L and BOD 5 /COD ratio 0.33, indicating that the treated leachate was amenableto biological treatment. The study has revealed that RSM is an effective tool to optimize the treatment processand photo-Fenton is an effective pretreatment of mature landfill leachate for biological treatment.