摘要:Annual paper production is measure of the development of a country. Paper is made from cellulose basedraw material, after their chemical and mechanical treatments. There treatment discharge waste water intothe environment which is carried along the water channels like drains. The water form these drains is usedby formers for irrigation purposes. If this drained water contains harmful effluents it can badly affect crops.To over come or minimize this damage present study was carried out. Various parameters were checkedusing standard procedure recommended by American Public Health Association and the results werecompared with National Environmental Quality standards (NEQs) of Pakistan. The value of averagetemperature, pH, TDS and chloride was in harmony with NEQs, whereas the values of the other parameterslike TSS, BOD5, COD, Copper and iron were above the NEQs limits for effluents. The violation of theparameters from NEQs suggest that it is time to take steps to check the discharge of unreacted or in-complete treatment effluents into these drains and distribution, so to ensure healthy environment for futuregenerations.