摘要:Groundwaters under the influence of the river basin and of the reservoir sources undergo vibrant fluctuationsdue to various geochemical and geophysical characteristics along with seasonal impacts. To understandthese influences, a geochemical assessment was made to reveal the groundwater quality and othergeophysical characteristics. 117 water samples were interpreted for two seasons along the Thandava Riverbasin. All the major cations, anions along with physical characteristics were assessed. The correlation ofgeophysical and geochemical parameters revealed the factors controlling the groundwater quality along thebasin and in and around the reservoir. An in-depth assessment was also made for the geochemical evolutionand flow pattern of the groundwater to understand the geomorphology of the basin and for therecommendations to be made for the safeguard of this natural resource unaffected from various anthropogenicactivities in and around the basin and the reservoir.