摘要:Source identification of heavy metals in river sediments and spacial polluted sample separation are importantfor either river system protection or remediation. In this study, concentrations of five heavy metals (Fe, As,Cr, Cu, Pb) in the sediments from Bianhe River, northern Anhui Province, China have been measured andanalysed by factor and cluster analysis for tracing their sources. The results suggest that there are threekinds of sources for these metals: natural, anthropogenic one and two. Fe is mainly contributed by naturalsource, 14 points are mainly polluted by As and Cr and four points are polluted by Cu and Pb. In comparisonwith the location of sampling, the anthropogenic As and Cr are mainly supplied by urban activities, whereasthe anthropogenic Cu and Pb are mainly related to traffic, to a lesser extent, point pollution. The studydemonstrated that a combination use of factor and K-means cluster analysis can provide reliable informationfor identifying the source of heavy metals and the location with specific pollution.