摘要:Acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon are organophosphate pesticides with high toxicity and maysignificantly affect soil microbial activities. However, the magnitude of this effect is unclear yet. The potentialharmful effect of these pesticides on soil enzyme activity was accessed in the soil collected under controlledlaboratory conditions. We examined the effect of recommended (RD) and double the recommended doses(2RD) of these pesticides on the soil enzymatic activities. The incubation study was carried out at 60% ofmaximum water holding capacity of the soil sample at 28±2°C for a period of 42 days. Our results indicatedthat high acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon doses significantly affect enzymatic activities in the soil.Our results provide the first evidence that acephate, dimethoate and phosphamidon differentially affectedthe soil microbial community through inhibiting fungal and bacterial populations..