摘要:Nowadays, huge amount of domestic and industrial waste is being discharge to the surface orgroundwater which poses a great threat to the mankind. Hence, treatment of any kind of wastewaterto produce effluent with good quality is necessary. In this regard, choosing an effective treatmentsystem is much important. Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) holds a special place in the wastewatertreatment which is a modified version of activated sludge process. An SBR operates in a true batchmode with equalization, aeration and sludge settling, all occurring in the same tank. The removal oforganic load in the reactor mainly depends on the duration of reaction phase, so it is essential todetermine the optimum duration of reaction phase. In the present study, an attempt was made tooptimize the duration of the reaction phase in SBR for the treatment of domestic wastewater andremoval efficiency of COD, BOD and SS were studied. To optimize the duration of reaction phase inSBR, a 100-litre capacity laboratory scale model was fabricated and operated for 100 cycles forvarious reaction phases. The percentage removal efficiency of BOD, COD and SS for various reactionperiods was calculated and the graph between reaction percentage removal efficiency of BOD, CODand SS were drawn, the results were utilized to determine the optimum reaction period for effectivetreatment of domestic wastewater with high removal efficiency using SBR..