摘要:Plants have several defence mechanisms to survive in a stressful environment. Formaldehyde is one of theindoor air pollutants that can cause cancer. Ornamental plant Dieffenbachia compacta can be used asbiological control for pollutants in the indoor air environment. This study was conducted to isolate the genesthat response for detoxifying formaldehyde in Dieffenbachia compacta. Methods used to isolate the gene isby using reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR). A total of 735 base pairs was isolated using a primer fromEpipremnum aureum FALDH genes. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the sequence similaritiesof 85% and 84% to the FALDH mRNA for Epipremnum aureum and Populus trichocarpa respectively.While for amino acid 92% similarities were found against Epipremnum aureum and Populus trichocarpa. Atotal of 87 amino acids that were encoded from 261 base pairs using the Open Reading Frame Finder. Ourfinding showed that the isolated Dieffenbachia compacta gene is the gene for glutathione-dependentformaldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH). As a conclusion, formaldehyde metabolism in plants is regulated bythe enzyme glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FALDH). The activity of FALDH indicatesthat this enzyme might be part of the universal metabolism pathway shared by a variety of organisms..