摘要:Alluvial islands are unique river landscapes. The vegetation composition of Alluvial islands and thephysicochemical properties of its soil are good indicators for studying plants in its riparian zone. This studyexplores and determines the relationship between the biological diversity of vegetation and the physicochemicalproperties of soil in the alluvial islands of Lijiang River basin. A field investigation of different vegetationgradient belts in three alluvial islands and an analysis of their soil samples is conducted. Results show thatthe composition of vegetation species on the three experimental plots is as follows: 6 families, 8 genera and8 species on experimental plot (I); 8 families, 12 genera and 12 species on experimental plot (II); and 17families, 18 genera and 18 species on experimental plot (III). Values of four plant-diversity indices, namely,Margalef richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index and Simpson speciesdominance index, are substantially influenced by the vegetation gradient zone. Change in the gradient zonefrom gravel to bushes and trees, leads to decreased sand-grain content and increased silt and clay contents,and gravel content of surface soils significantly declines with change in gradient zones. Six types of chemicalindicators of soil (organic matter, total nitrogen, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, total potassium,and available potassium) show significant differences with change in gradient zone. Significant correlationswere found between plant diversity and physicochemical properties of the soil。.