摘要:The sediments in a ditch may be altered from phosphorus source to the sink, or vice-versa. This studyexamined the effects of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and light intensity on the amount of phosphorusrelease. Phosphate is most susceptible to the adsorption by sediment when the pH is 7, whilephosphorus release is greater in the alkaline range and reduced in acidic conditions. The interceptionof microorganisms in ditches also plays an important role on phosphorus release from sediments. Anoxygen-rich environment was conducive to the sorption of phosphate in overlying water, while ananoxic environment provided the opposite effect. Correspondingly, the NaOH-P emissions fromsediments were greater under anoxic conditions than under oxic conditions. Light intensity also had amajor effect in the overlying water on pH and ORP, further to work on phosphorus release from ditchsediments. The correlation between the light intensity and the quality of phosphorus release in thesediments was not obvious.