摘要:The water which is diverted from the Danjiangkou reservoir’s Taocha watergate on the middle route of theSouth to North Water Diversion Project is devoted to solving the water shortage of more than 20 large andmedium-sized cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, but there exists a grave rocky desertificationproblem in Xichuan, which directly affects not only the actual income of the South to North Water TransferProject, but also the production and life of the people nearby and social stability. Therefore, this researchstarted from improving the environment and water quality control in Xichuan via scientific methods andmeans of management to improve Xichuan’s environment. First, a brief introduction is given to Xichuan’sexisting problems, second, analysing the causes of rocky desertification, finally, suggestions are given onthe rocky desertification control based on the specific circumstances of the Shangji town.