摘要:Forest structure and species distribution patterns were compared among four topographic habitats in twofully mapped 1-ha plots, named Diaoguanjing and Anjiping, on Daieshan Mountain in China. In Diaoguanjingplot, mean DBH was lower and Fisher’s alpha, stem density and the number of species was higher in largeversus small habitats. While in Anjiping plot, mean DBH was lower and Fisher’s alpha and stem densitywere higher from high to lower elevation communities. Only 20 out of 78 species were either positively ornegatively associated with at least one habitat type in Diaoguanjing, while 33 of 82 species in Anjipingshowed habitat associations. A Chi-squared test revealed a greater number of species-habitat associationsin Anjiping versus Diaoguanjing (P<0.05). Species-habitat associations were also relatively more frequent inmature forests of both plots (P<0.05). These results suggest that habitat area and forest maturity should beconsidered in explaining the processes driving species-habitat associations.