摘要:Water balance in urban drainage includes rainfall, runoff and infiltration. Rainfall, Runoff and infiltrationare hydrology system units. They are processes which happened together; when rain falls, water willflow overland as runoff and the water that is lost infiltrates into the ground. The occurrence willinvolve several parameters, variables and treatments. Because the infiltration rate needs to be inquiredfrom rainfall and runoff processes, the experiment was done using soil media with soil density andlandslope variation. Meanwhile, the tool used for this experiment is Advance Hydrology of RainfallSimulator. To determine the infiltration rate model, Horton’s and Kostiacov’s formulas were used. Apositive correlation (R 2 = 0.91) of results for Horton formula was found, and a positive correlation (R 2 =0.813) was found in Kostiakov formula, demonstrating that the Horton and Kostiakov formulas werecomparable to the observation of infiltration rate. Based on the observation result in laboratory,landslope and density are influential variable for infiltration rate. Infiltration rate will get smaller in thesame density with increase landslope variation and it will also get decrease when soil density gethigher. In contrary, decreased soil density creates increased infiltration rate.