摘要:This paper gives the estimation of the bacterial density in the Karachi Harbour region. The study wasconducted recently to determine the coliform pollution level of waters in the Karachi harbour. Twentyone stations were selected, analysis was conducted for pH, temperature, salinity, Total DissolvedSolids (TDS) and turbidity. The bacteriological quality was monitored by using Total Coliform Count(TCC) and Total Faecal Coliform (TFC). The excessive level of faecal indicators noticed in the harbourwaters showed high contamination by indiscriminate discharge of crudely treated and non-treatedwastewater of domestic and industrial origin. The flora and fauna is on threat by the faecal pollution,ultimately affecting the human health and economic situation. By proper resource management thegrave marine pollution can be harnessed by implementation of stringent policies. The higher dilutionrate in the offshore waters of Karachi can help to dilute and disperse sewage quickly and semidiurnaltidal behaviour transports the diluted sewage water to open sea without harming the coastal community.