摘要:Batch anaerobic digestion was conducted using chicken manure (CM) and biochar over the course of30 days in separate 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, and 65°C reactors. Daily volumetric methane production,hydrogen sulfide concentration, pH, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), alkalinity (Alk), and solublechemical oxygen demand (SCOD) were measured. Results showed that the anaerobic reactorsstarted up successfully under all temperature conditions. It needed one week for 35°C and 45°Creactors to peak the methane production rate, 18 days for 25°C and 65°C reactors, and over onemonth for 55°C reactor, but it was not the peak as the methane production rate for 15°C reactor. Thehydrogen sulfide concentrations at various temperature conditions were not more than 538 ppm, andthe difference was small, except 65°C reactors with 1148 ppm concentration. Based on the processparameters of the 15°C reactor, the hydrolysis processing was smooth, but the poor activity and slowgrowth of methanogens were the key problems to make the efficiency poor. Comparison of the addedbiochar reactor with a control reactor without biochar operated at 35°C showed that the addition ofbiochar reduced the lag phase by 41%, enhanced the maximum methane production rate by 18%, andreduced the hydrogen sulfide by more than 95%, although no difference was observed in the cumulativemethane production.