摘要:Limited studies have been carried out for assessing the holistic scene of noise levels. Monitoring ofambient noise is occasionally conducted in Indian cities, whereas the noise has been fast emerging asa silent killer throughout the urbanized world. We have immense data for air and water pollution, butonly limited international figures for the European region are available pertaining to the health impact ofenvironmental noise through a preliminary study carried out by the WHO in 2011. The city of Kota is oneof the highly industrialized cities of India, which is still marching ahead on the trajectory of urbanizationand decisively breached the one million population figure in 2011 itself. With stupendous growth, it hassimultaneously acquired the intrinsic maladies of cities largely witnessed in the developing geographies.One of the several afflictions is excessive noise which warrants a considerate study. Studies havebeen undertaken to assess the noise levels in the five chosen pockets of the Kota city bearingindustrial, residential and commercial characters. Measurements of L 10 , L 50 , L 90 and L eq have been takenand NC, TNI and L np have also been ascertained. An innovative effort of evolving a Noise Quality Indexhas been endeavoured. The highest NC (noise climate) has been observed in the industrial area,whereas, the lowest in residential cum industrial area. On the other hand, the highest L eq is observedin the industrial area itself, but the lowest is observed in the residential cum commercial area. Theoverall study suggests that some pockets are affected by the growing nuisance of noise pollution, andthe city is gradually hurtling towards high noise ambience.