摘要:Tannery wastes are ranked as the one of the highest pollutant sources among all the industries.Proven studies about the benefits of these wastes by way of nutrient addition and growth promotioncreate a great demand for use of such water in agriculture. Treated tannery effluent mixed withdomestic wastewater irrigation provides nutrient enriched water supply for irrigation, besides it is areliable and inexpensive system of wastewater treatment and disposal. The present study wascarried out to estimate the effect of combined application of treated tannery effluent (TTE) along withdomestic wastewater (DWW) on growth characters and yield attributes viz., plant height, number ofbranches, spike or flower weight of Gomphrena globosa (Vadamalli), and soil microbial populationand enzyme activities. The yield of Gomphrena globosa being increased in red and black soil was30.07 per cent and 29.48 per cent over control. The soil microbial population and enzyme activitiessuch as urease, phosphatase and dehydrogenase were higher under treated tannery effluent mixedwith domestic wastewater irrigation. Hence treated tannery effluent mixed with domestic wastewater(1:3 ratio) helps to improve the soil health and yield.