摘要:The increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has triggered the need to look for amitigating strategy to address climate change. Wetlands have been noted to have the potential inimproving water quality, mitigating flood (act as a floodplain) as well as protecting wildlife habitat andcoastal area. Wetlands are also capable to sequestrate carbon. Due to rapid developments, naturalwetlands are being destroyed day by day. Hence, constructed wetlands have been proposed toemulate the functions of natural wetlands. However, the use of constructed wetlands in sequestratingcarbon is yet to be explored. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an overview andcompare the carbon sequestration potential between natural and constructed wetlands. A particularemphasis will be given to the use of constructed wetlands in sequestrating carbon. It is found thatconstructed wetlands are capable to sequestrate carbon as good as natural wetlands. Sustainableutilization of constructed wetlands as a carbon sink could be one of the effective initiatives to mitigateclimate change.