摘要:Theory, approach and the tools of transect model have recently turned into one of the fundamental maxims of urban design and planning in the urbanization systems in Europe, the United States and more recently the middle-east, its fundamentals are based on reaching the sustainable development patterns in urban areas. A general accordance regarding the operationalizability of this theory and approach in creating sustainable urban development considers its generalizability in the urbanization system in Iran. The following article tries to shed light on this new approach (Transect) and to analyze and discuss its probable advances and weaknesses on controlling and directing the spaces by reviewing the literature of the research subjective through a typology of the theory and the transect approach and collection of its fundamental theories by highlighting its different aspects.Findings of the research show that transect model is, in fact, a type of cross-sections which take advantage of the theories of natural urban camouflage along in leading and controlling of urban areas which are based on the urban character. Also, by reviewing the literature f the subject toward the transect model and its background theories and approaches and to defy its similarities and differences; typology was performed based on 8 theoretical orientation indexes; subject of the theory or the approach; type of advantage from the primary discipline of ecology; urban design and planning paradigm; purpose of employing cross-sections; the type of considered order; considered elements of the place, extent of the theory or the approach. Analysing this theoretical framework shows that has a relative improvement of the transect model based on all of the typological components and those related to the ones connected to the spaces and paradigms of urban design and planning. Therefore, theorizing or expanding the theory and approach of transect model is recommended in order to solve its shortcomings and weaknesses along with attending to all of the aspects of the space and synchronizing with the paradigm of evolution as the superior paradigm of urban design and planning.
关键词:Typological Analysis;Urban Transect Teory and Approach;Ecological Transect;Theorizing