摘要:In the last issue of Pacific Seabirds, Malcolm Coulter and Craig Harrison wrote an opinion piece entitled “Why does the world need another seabird group?” (Coulter and Harrison 2012). Despite extensive discussions held at the PSG meeting of February 2012 with re- gard to the World Seabird Union (WSU), and numerous responses to Coulter and Harrison (2012) posted on the PSG List- serve, it appears that there is still a need to clarify some misconceptions about the WSU, its formation, and its purpose. Therefore, instead of providing a specific response to Coulter and Harrison (2012), the representatives of the 20 member organizations of the WSU decided that it would be more constructive to clarify details on the formation and purpose of WSU. This paper is a brief summary of: (a) how the WSU was formed; (b) what its objectives are; and (c) what has been accomplished so far towards addressing these aims. We hope that readers of Pa- cific Seabirds will find this helpful and informative..