摘要:By considering a varying mutual orbit between the two bodies in a binary minor planet system, modified models for the spin–orbit, spin–spin, and spin–orbit–spin resonances are given. For the spin–orbit resonances, our study shows that the resonance center changes with the mass ratio and the mutual distance between the two bodies, and the size of the body in the resonance. The 1:1, 3:2, and 1:2 resonances are taken as examples to show the results. For the spin–spin and spin–orbit–spin resonances, our studies show that the resonance center changes with the rotation states of the two minor planets. The 1:1 spin–spin resonance and the 1:2:1 spin–orbit–spin resonance are discussed in detail. Simple analytical criteria are given to identify the resonance centers, and numerical simulations were ran in order to verify the analytical results.
关键词:celestial mechanics;methods: numerical;minor planets; asteroids: general