期刊名称:Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics
出版社:Academic Journals
摘要:Despite high volume of honey production in Chena district of southern Ethiopia, the market supply of honey is low as compared to its potential due to some socioeconomic, demographic, production, market and institution related factors. This study was initiated to identify factors affecting volume of honey marketed. Data from 154 sample honey producers was collected and analyzed using multiple linear regression model with the aid of STAT version 13. The regression model result reveals that beekeeping experience, hive types used, number of beehives owned, number of extension contact and cooperative membership positively and significantly affected honey market supply while distance from nearest market significantly and negatively affected it. To enhance volume supplied with appropriate market outlet choices which in turn increase producers income generated from honey, all concerned bodies need to focus on promoting farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing with experienced households, capacity building through training on improved honey production, increasing access to improved beehives, improving poor road facility, strengthening financial capacity of existing and establishment of additional beekeepers cooperatives.
关键词:Honey;market supply;multiple linear regression