期刊名称:International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation
出版社:Academic Journals
摘要:Diversity of plants includes their presence and habit in specific ecological area. Plants’ adaptability, genetic makeup and related environment influence their composition. This present study aims to assess vegetation on campus. A total number of 273 plant species belonging to 84 families were recorded, in which Fabaceae registered as the largest family with 38 plant species. Herbs showed their maximum presence (65.93%) followed by trees (19.05%), herb/climbers (6.96%) and shrubs (8.06%). Rich presence of phanerophytes showed tropical moist humid climatic condition. Conservation practices and sustainable management strategies are essential steps for protection of natural resources, especially for the diverse vegetational group. Recorded major families of vegetation composition were Fabaceae (42.85%), Asteraceae (21.42%), Apocynaceae, Solanaceae (11.90%), Amaranthaceae and Poaceae (10.71%), while other families showed intermediate number of species. The campus is rich with diverse plant species, and by obtaining proper information about it, prime efforts can be made to conserve it.