摘要:Biotechnology entrepreneurship is a relatively new and distinct field of entrepreneurship. Most current empirical research is conducted in the developed economies and cannot be directly extrapolated to the developing economies of South Africa and Brazil. This research used a qualitative multiple case studies, in the idiographic philosophical tradition, in two developing economies; South Africa and Brazil. The data collection process included in-depth interviews, documents review and observations, which improved the quality of the research through data triangulation. Ten themes were identified, which formed the basis for developing the proposed theoretical framework. In addition, seven factors that influence the process of biotechnology entrepreneurship in South Africa and Brazil were identified as regulation; funding; infrastructure; skills; entrepreneurial and commercialisation capabilities; market for biotechnology products; and social development. Biotechnology entrepreneurship in Brazil predominantly uses the “system approach” while in South Africa the “individual approach” predominates. The process of biotechnology entrepreneurship in South Africa differs from the process in Brazil due to the differences in the environmental factors that influence biotechnology entrepreneurship, and management strategies, in these two economies.